


Boxing is one of the oldest Olimpic Sports

Exercise boxing affects positively your body and the development of the personality. Because of this in England it has been consiously applied for psysical Education from ten years of age throug higher Education.

The Oxford and Cambridge Education has traditionally built on the positive effects of boxing and it is an integral part of the Education.p> p>Boxing develops the body harmoniosly, increases endurance, and efficiency through motor coordination. Besides the psychical skills listed above develops decisionsmaking in rapid situations and certain personality trait such as self- discipline, self- control, courage, perseverance and fighting ability.

Our coaches emphasize not only the technical- tactical training but the practicing of funds as well. In major part of the trainings are about to learn new moves and exercises, practice and innervate the already known technical- tactical elements.

• To sustain the continous load increase ( intensity,volume, duration and number of repatation ) • Rapidpower development, to keep it on a retention level • To execute warm-up and post-training streching exercises consciously and correctly • Will and mental skills improvement needed for sports • High level development of motoric actions. • Development of unexpected rapid response capability

The ropes used for training are with the same size and equipped as on the championships.

Our professional principles are the followings:

A versatil technical preparation already for beginners.

During trainings the principle of the gradual implementation is taken into consideration: from the simple to the more complex exercises.

Indepentendly from the individual capabilities of each student they should become familiar with the technical characteristics and tactical exercising of out-, inside and close fighting.

The boxing is technical and tactical sport where you often need to perform complex and diverse forms of movement. The methodological materials of this sport is mainly about the movement elements and its practicing. The also basic but relatively simplier general and specific physical training is touched shortly.

Practicing Boxing does not means necessarily competition. It does not require expensive equipment. Quite enough to wear gym shoes, shorts, and a pair of boxing gloves and a partner. In our trainings we provide the appropriate protective equipment, but if you have your own fighter stuff, feel free to bring it with you. In our domestic championships any guest can taste the world of championships and you can try yourself in the ring as well.